Birds of Cuba, Vagrant Visitors, Introduced Birds and Possibilities
Flycatchers, Pewees, Phoebes & Wood-Pewees
Muscicapidae & Tyrannidae
There are at least thirteen species of flycatchers in Cuba that are seen throughout the year, including the wood-pewees and phoebe. The
largest concentration of these different types of birds is in the southern regions of the USA, Mexico, Central America and the
Caribbean islands, where the climate and the habitat is more to their liking. In most cases, flycatchers have duller colours but there
are some exceptions, including spectacular looking Fork-tailed Flycatcher and the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher.
Insects are the main diet of these birds and they are known for their aerial acrobatic displays as they catch flying insects in
the air. At times they stop in mid-flight and hover and pick their prey from the leaves and branches. This type of manoeuvre
is known as hawking. The flycatchers prefer high perches where they have the advantage of seeing a larger area as they seek their food.
The flycatchers are some of the most difficult birds to identify because some species are so similar in size, colour and markings.
Sometimes only hearing the bird's call can separate them from each other.
Click on the bird names listed below to see pictures of the Flycatchers seen in Cuba
Birds of Cuba